Last Updated

Monday 11th June 2001

Friday 6th April 2001


Chin Woo Wushu

Fork Yuen Kap

Chin Woo Basic Form

Tai Chi Chuan (Taijiquan)

San Shou - Chinese Kick Boxing

Adult Gymnastics

Why is Martial Arts Easier for Some people?

Running for Beginners.

Malaysia Tours

Want to become a British Stuntperson?


Adult Gymnastics

Ever wanted to have a go at gymnastics and had to listen to "You’re too old!"? Well forget them and listen to us!

We are the British Institute for Chinese Martial Arts, incorporating the Chin Woo Gymnastics Club, and have a team of qualified martial art and BGA gymnastic coaches who have been teaching artistic gymnastics professionally for many years. We currently run classes specifically tailored to adults and beginners. So if you ever wanted to learn how to be an acrobat, get a great body, impress your friends with new found talents, come along and learn that age has nothing to do with it! Gymnastics is ideal for dancers, actors/actresses and anyone who would like to get extra abilities from their fitness training, and is achievable with the right kind of coaching. Our coaches have all worked in Centres of Excellence for gymnastics with national team coaches and champions. Many of our former gymnasts have gone on to become acrobats and stunt performers for the stage and film business.

No special clothing is required just come along in a T shirt, jogging bottoms and socks will be fine.

All our coaches are qualified and insured by the British Gymnastics Association.

After your first lesson we will require you to become a member for insurance and health and safety purposes and you will need to purchase hand chalk which is available from us.

Annual Membership is £60.00 and includes BGA insurance, Associate Membership to BGA, eligibility to train, club T-shirt and quarterly BICMA newsletter.

[Return to Articles Page]

  1. Chin Woo Wushu
  2. The Story of Fork Yuen Kap (Huo Yuen Jar)
  3. Chin Woo Basic Form
  4. Tai Chi Chuan (Taijiquan)
  5. San Shou - Chinese Kick Boxing
  6. Adult Gymnastics
  7. Why is Martial Arts Easier for Some people and not Others?
  8. Running for Beginners.
  9. Malaysia Tours
  10. Want to become a British Stuntperson?

[Return to top]

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